Ice Crossbow
Freezes the enemy.
Internal name
Combo rate
One hit every 0.4 seconds
Base price
Piercing Shot
Fires piercing bolts, inflicting critical hits and returning bolts lodged in frozen enemies.
Internal name
Combo rate
One hit every 0.9 seconds
Base price
Unlock cost
The Ice Crossbow is a two-handed crossbow-type ranged weapon . The primary ability can quickly fire short ranged bolts that freeze enemies, while the secondary ability, Piercing Shot , fires a bolt that knocks arrows out of frozen enemies and deals critical damage to frozen targets.
Details [ edit ]
Ammo: 9Special Effects:
Pressing the main attack button makes the crossbow fire a bolt that freezes enemies for 1.5 seconds. Upon thaw, enemies are slowed for 1 second. This attack can be fired automatically by holding down the main attack button.
Pressing the secondary attack button fires a piercing bolt that deals critical damage to frozen enemies. It also knocks out arrows stuck in enemies that are frozen .
Ice Crossbow [ edit ]
Breach Bonus : 0Base Breach Damage: 24Base Breach DPS: 60Attack Duration: 0.2 secondsCharge: 0.1Lock: 0.1Cooldown: 0.3
Tags: Ice, HasBullets, Ranged, IsCrossbow, LimitedAmmo, DualWeaponBase, UnlockInPublicEvent, CritSameAsNormalInUILegendary Version: Forced Affix : Strong Ice "Enemies hit by this will thaw more slowly."
Piercing Shot [ edit ]
Breach Bonus : 0Base Breach Damage: 40 (200 )Base Breach DPS: 47 (235 )Attack Duration: 1.2 secondsCharge: 0.35Lock: 0.35Cooldown: 0.5
Tags: DualWeaponOffhand, IsCrossbowLegendary Version: Forced Affix : Death Freeze "Victims Freeze nearby enemies (1.8 seconds) when they die."
Synergies [ edit ]
Heart of Ice can be used with Piercing Shot to lower cooldowns of your skills while dealing damage with the crossbow.
Kill Rhythm suits the weapon's playstyle since it alternates weapon slots to deal damage.
Before v1.9 , the Update of Plenty , the Ice Crossbow was a single slot weapon.
It also used to have a secondary fire shooting multiple bolts in a shotgun-type pattern by holding down the attack button, similarly to Flint .
The Piercing Shot can roll the affix "+175% damage on a frozen target".
History [ edit ]
0.4 : Introduced.
1.5 : Scaling changed from Survival to Tactics/ Survival.
1.9 : Scaling changed from Tactics/ Survival to Survival.
Changed from one-handed to the two-handed weapon.
Removed charged shotgun-type shot from the main hand.
Added secondary ability that fires a long-range, ultra-fast bolt with infinite piercing which crits on frozen enemies.
No longer can get "Victims Burn when they die" Affix.
2.0 : No longer can get the "worms spawn on victim's death" affix.
2.1 : Scaling changed from Survival to Tactics/ Survival.
Now can have different affixes on each part.
3.0 Added the Legendary Affixes:
Ice Crossbow: "Strong Ice".
Piercing Shot: "Death Freeze".