Ice Shards is a magic-type rangedweapon which lets the player throw three small ice shards in a spread, which slow down enemies and deal critical hits to enemies in water or covered in oil.
Due to its ability to keep enemies constantly slowed it works well with Heart of Ice or Frostbite.
Using Frostbite in conjunction with Hokuto's Bow increase even further the constant DPS, even better if the bow has the "Spreads inflammable oil on the enemy" affix to activate the critical condition of the shards
Can be used to activate 30% damage to slowed enemies affix.
This weapon can be used alongside slower weapons to execute combos more safely.
The short attack animation makes Ice Shards great to be used with any weapon as it won't majorly affect the combo duration.
If used with Kill Rhythm, Ice Shards can even decrease the combo duration while adding a slow effect and potentially killing trash mobs.
Though the refire time for Ice Shards is 0.38 seconds, the player regains control after 0.06 seconds, resulting in a minimum wait time of 0.32 seconds between the end of one attack and the start of the next.
Due to the extremely quick attack speed and the somewhat long duration of the slow effect, this weapon can be used to keep nearby enemies constantly slowed at all times.