Lightning Rods

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The Lightning Rods are a power skill exclusive to the Fatal Falls DLC which causes a lightning strike that can chain between rods and inflicts shock on struck enemies.


  • Special Effects:
    • The player can place down two rods separately. When the second rod is placed, lightning strikes the first placed rod from above and will chain to the second one.
      • The lightning can travel through walls and platforms, and even the initial strike can damage enemies that were above the first rod.
      • Enemies in water will take critical damage from the lighting.
      • If the second rod has not been placed after 5 seconds, the skill will go on cooldown.
  • Tags: Electric, HasDuration
  • Legendary Version:
    • Forced Affix: Double Use
      • "This item can be used twice as much."


  • Despite the fact that the lightning rods are placed on the ground, they do not count as deployable traps and therefore do not benefit from any deployable related affixes, mutations, and other abilities, such as Support Mutation Icon.png Support.
  • Placing Lightning Rods at both ends of the portal can effectively damage and kill enemies between them. The instantaneous increase in the number of enemies killed can be used to relieve curses safely.


  • 2.2: Introduced.
  • 2.4: Base damage increased from 50 (100) to 75 (150).
  • 3.0: Added the Legendary Affix "Fire on Stop".
  • 3.5: Changed the legendary affix from "Fire on Stop" to "Double Use".
Traps & Turrets
Double Crossb-o-matic Icon.pngDouble Crossb-o-maticSinew Slicer Icon.pngSinew SlicerHeavy Turret Icon.pngHeavy TurretBarnacle Icon.pngBarnacleFlamethrower Turret Icon.pngFlamethrower TurretCleaver (Skill) Icon.pngCleaverWolf Trap Icon.pngWolf TrapCrusher Icon.pngCrusherExplosive Decoy Icon.pngExplosive DecoyEmergency Door Icon.pngEmergency DoorTesla Coil Icon.pngTesla CoilScavenged Bombard Icon.pngScavenged BombardTQatSNight Light Icon.pngNight Light
Powerful Grenade Icon.pngPowerful GrenadeInfantry Grenade Icon.pngInfantry GrenadeCluster Grenade Icon.pngCluster GrenadeMagnetic Grenade Icon.pngMagnetic GrenadeStun Grenade Icon.pngStun GrenadeIce Grenade Icon.pngIce GrenadeFire Grenade Icon.pngFire GrenadeRoot Grenade Icon.pngRoot GrenadeOil Grenade Icon.pngOil GrenadeSwarm Icon.pngSwarmHoly Water Icon.pngHoly WaterRtCHunter's Grenade Icon.pngHunter's Grenade
Barricade Icon.pngBarricadeDeath Orb Icon.pngDeath OrbTornado Icon.pngTornadoKnife Dance Icon.pngKnife DanceCorrupted Power Icon.pngCorrupted PowerVampirism Icon.pngVampirismTonic Icon.pngTonicGrappling Hook Icon.pngGrappling HookPhaser Icon.pngPhaserCorrosive Cloud Icon.pngCorrosive CloudLacerating Aura Icon.pngLacerating AuraWave of Denial Icon.pngWave of DenialWings of the Crow Icon.pngWings of the CrowBlueprint Extractor Icon.pngBlueprint ExtractorForgotten Map Icon.pngForgotten MapGreat Owl of War Icon.pngGreat Owl of WarLightspeed Icon.pngLightspeedGiant Whistle Icon.pngGiant WhistleRotGTelluric Shock Icon.pngTelluric ShockSmoke Bomb Icon.pngSmoke BombTBSMushroom Boi! Icon.pngMushroom Boi!TBSLightning Rods Icon.pngLightning RodsFFIce Armor Icon.pngIce ArmorRotGScarecrow's Sickles Icon.pngScarecrow's SicklesFFSerenade Icon.pngSerenadeFFCocoon Icon.pngCocoonFFFace Flask Icon.pngFace FlaskPollo Power Icon.pngPollo PowerLeghugger Icon.pngLeghuggerTQatSTaunt Icon.pngTauntRebound Stone Icon.pngRebound StoneRtCMaria's Cat Icon.pngMaria's CatRtCBat Volley Icon.pngBat VolleyRtCIndulgence Icon.pngIndulgence
Exclamation.png 5 BSC spoiler: