The Scythe Claw is a two-handed meleeweapon exclusive to the Bad Seed DLC. Its primary and secondary abilities, Scythe Claw and Left Scythe Claw, deal devastating critical hits when alternating between them.
Alternating attacks between each claw will inflict extremely strong critical hits, as long as they consistently hit enemies each time.
However, getting hit while charging the swing will reset the critical hit.
The Scythe Claw will ignore shields from Shieldbearers and Oven Knights if multiple enemies along with them are struck with one attack. Otherwise, hitting a shield resets the critical hit.
Both claws have a "shockwave" effect that damages enemies behind any enemy struck with them. The shockwave deals roughly half the damage of the actual hit.
Synergises very strongly with the mutation Kill Rhythm as alternating attacks will have significantly faster attack speed while also dealing critical damage.
Finding the weapon on the ground will only show the Scythe Claw, however upon picking it up you will get both claws while dropping any other weapons your were holding.
The combo looks slightly different depending on whether you started the chain with left or right claw, most noticeably the right claw strikes from top to bottom instead of bottom to top if the left claw started the combo.
Its Legendary Version has an unique icon () and works with Kill Rhythm!
It's worth noting that the Legendary Version no longer works with Kill Rhythm for the other weapon slot, meaning you cannot meaningfully weapon swap with the Legendary Version and another weapon in combat.