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国王(The King)是整座岛屿的统治者,也是整个游戏中重要的反派角色。





  • 对于有罪者的大道中的雕像, 枭首者很好奇国王带着头盔还怎么看得见东西[1]
    • 在这座雕像附近有时会出现另外一座亵渎的雕像。[2]旁边有一个牛头,上面刻有国王的徽章,表明有些公民强烈反对国王的政策。
  • 另一座雾萦港湾中的雕像描绘了国王与国王之手[3]。枭首者评论国王之手的雕像很大,或许有点太大了。讽刺的是,实际的国王之手甚至比雕像所描绘的还要巨大。
  • 在不同的情况下,那些国王与国王之手的雕像似乎有着被渔网破坏和涂鸦的痕迹,涂鸦谴责了国王的谎言并要求致其于死地。似乎村民们在意识到他们身上发生了什么之后尝试反叛。[4]


All over the island, the Beheaded finds a variety of orders written by the King. Most of these relate to the imprisonment and quarantining of criminals, infected or plain innocent people. Some of them are direct orders to high ranking public officers such as Castaing or The Alchemist.

  • In the Stilt Village orders from The King can be found; Citizens! Anyone behaving strangely or manifesting signs of illness must be reported to the local patrol promptly and without exception. Next to a urinated royal order is a vandalized banner of The King which reads, The King is kidnapping and burning our children! WAKE UP!
  • In the Ramparts and the Promenade, an order from the King reads, "If the cells are overpopulated, use the outdoor jails or the oubliettes. Leave no suspects unsupervised."[5] This shows that the Prisoners' Quarters were becoming full due to the imprisonment of too many people.
  • A public order by the King can be found next to hanged prisoners. It orders the imprisonment and execution of all people presenting signs of abnormal behavior or physical appearance, i.e. suspected of infection by the Malaise[6]. A bottom note in brackets adds "(if the prison doctor confirms the diagnosis of infection)", which implies that confirmation is actually not important, and that suspicion of infection is enough proof.
  • In the Ramparts, a similar order from the King addressed to his officers can be found.[7]
  • Another order by the King warns the soldiers that they would be executed if they refused to obey.[8]
  • In Castaing's office in the Prisoners' Quarters, the Beheaded finds a direct, secret order from the King to the prison's warden. The King asks Castaing to stop controlling the entrances to the prison until further notice[9], which seems to imply unlawful imprisonments and prisoner transfers were taking place on orders of the King.
  • A later secret order to Castaing, along with another bribe, scolds him for making the King's orders public[10]. He also instructs him to not let any prisoners leave, even if they have finished serving their time.




