Corrupted Prison

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"Donating your body to science" takes on a whole new meaning when you're still alive.
The guards were the first to succumb. Unless no one noticed the difference in the prisoners...
It's unthinkable that even the stones are infected.

Corrupted prison flag.png

The Corrupted Prison is a short, optional biome between the second and the third level. It's accessed through the Toxic Sewers using the Spider rune and leads to the Ancient Sewers or the Ramparts (1+ BSC).

General information[edit]

Access and exit[edit]

The Spider Rune Icon.png Spider Rune is required to access this area through the Toxic Sewers. A section only accessible by wall climbing in both levels leads to the Corrupted Prison.

There are three exits out of the Corrupted Prison. On all difficulties, the player can go to the Ancient Sewers. With at least 1 BSC active, a second door will lead to the Ramparts and a third leading to Dracula's Castle.

Iron cells[edit]

Two locked doors are found at the end of the biome, next to the exit doors. Behind both these doors there is a 2-item choice altar. If the player finds the Iron Cells Key.png Iron Cells Key, which drops from a random enemy, they can choose to open one door to access the item inside.

Level characteristics[edit]


The Corrupted Prison contains only one Scroll of Power, obtained through the cursed chest at the start of the biome.[a]

Enemy tier and gear level scaling[edit]

In the table below, you will find the gear level and enemy tier of the Corrupted Prison based on difficulty.

Difficulty Normal Hard Very Hard Expert Nightmare/Hell
Gear level III III III IV VI
Enemy lvl tier 8 - 9 11 - 12 12 - 13 14 - 15 15 - 16
Enemy Health tier Base 9 - 11 13 - 14 15 - 17 20 - 22

Loot and shops[edit]

Main level[edit]

  • 1 cursed chest at the beginning of the biome, right before the one-way door.[a]
    • Not affected by the damned Aspect.
  • A weapon or skill shop around the halfway point of the level.

Boss Stem Cells rewards[edit]


Arguably the most dangerous and lethal enemies of the Corrupted Prison are the Slammers, which have a very high DPS and its attacks cannot be parried, and the Toxic Miasmas, which follow the player from platform to platform. This is worsened by the Protectors that can spawn between large groups of enemies, making it easy to get swarmed by fast, tanky enemies.

In the table below, you will find which enemies are present in the Corrupted Prison depending on difficulty level. For each enemy, any common, uncommon, rare or legendary blueprints they carry are indicated. When applicable, the minimum difficulty level for blueprint acquisition is specified in brackets.

Enemy Normal Hard Very Hard Expert Nightmare/Hell
Zombie Blood Sword Icon.png Blood Sword, Double Crossb-o-matic Icon.png Double Crossb-o-matic, Bobby Outfit Icon.png Bobby Outfit (1 BSC)
Rancid Rat Porcupack Mutation Icon.png Porcupack
Toxic Miasma Barbed Tips Mutation Icon.png Barbed Tips
Grenadier Fire Grenade Icon.png Fire Grenade, Magnetic Grenade Icon.png Magnetic Grenade
Shocker Flamethrower Turret Icon.png Flamethrower Turret
Slammer Flawless Icon.png Flawless, Tactical Retreat Mutation Icon.png Tactical Retreat
Protector Corrupted Power Icon.png Corrupted Power, Explosive Decoy Icon.png Explosive Decoy, Warrior Outfit Icon.png Warrior Outfit (3+ BSC)
Weirded Warrior Hattori's Katana Icon.png Hattori's Katana, Blade Master's Outfit Icon.png Blade Master's Outfit
Inquisitor Lightning Bolt Icon.png Lightning Bolt, Vampirism Icon.png Vampirism, Mage Outfit Icon.png Mage Outfit


  • In the alpha and beta branch of v1.5, this biome was known as Corrupted Confinement.[1]




  1. 1.0 1.1 Because v1.5 decreased the amount of cursed chests, there is always a guaranteed one in the first room of this biome. To the right of the chest there is a door that will close behind the player, no matter if they had or hadn't inflicted the curse upon themselves.


  1. The Corrupted Update Official patch notes, 2019-10-09