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Mutations are passive upgrades that modify and increase the abilities of the player in various ways. They are obtained between levels from a Guillain. Most are not initially available, so in order to unlock them, one must bring their blueprints to the Collector, then spend the required cells.


The player can only have a certain number of mutations at once. Each area cleared in a run allows one more mutation, up to a total of 3 (unless in custom mode, where many more can be picked). However, the player can spend gold between levels to remove all current mutations, allowing a new choice of mutations to replace the old set. The price to do this starts at 1,000 and doubles with each reset, until the cost reaches 8,000 gold, at which point it will stop increasing.

Most mutations are associated with and scale their benefits with a specific stat. That is, mutations' base damage and/or healing magnitudes are multiplied by 1.15n-1, where n is the current level of the appropriate stat, rounded to produce the final amount.

For example, if a Brutality mutation provides an extra 90 base DPS and the player's Brutality is 2, the final extra DPS is 90 × 1.152-1 = 90 × 1.15 = 103.5 ≈ 104). Note that damage and DPS bonuses from mutations are not affected by gear-specific damage bonuses or Affixes.

Colorless mutations have fixed benefits unaffected by Stats, except for Instinct of the Master of Arms and Frostbite which scale on the highest stat.

List of mutations[edit]

There are 53 mutations in the game: 12 for Brutality, 12 for Tactics, 12 for Survival and 17 that are Colorless.

List of Brutality mutations[edit]

Icon Name Description Location Cell cost Cell Currency Icon.png
Killer Instinct Mutation Icon.png
Killer Instinct Reduces the cooldown of your skills by [0.4 base, 3 max] seconds for each enemy killed in hand to hand combat. Always available N/A
Combo Mutation Icon.png
Combo Each consecutive hit that connects continues your combo, increasing your damage dealt. The combo expires after 2.5 sec or if you are dealt damage. Always available N/A
Vengeance Mutation Icon.png
Vengeance +[60% base] damage dealt for 8 seconds and -30% damage taken for 3 seconds after taking damage. Always available N/A
Melee Mutation Icon.png
Melee Melee attacks slow down enemies for [0.4 base, 1.6 max] seconds. The Concierge (5th kill) 50
Open Wounds Mutation Icon.png
Open Wounds Your close combat attacks inflict bleeding ([18 base] DPS for 1.5 seconds) Lacerators (0.4%) 50
Tainted Flask Mutation Icon.png
Tainted Flask Using a health flask adds +[20% base] damage to your attacks for 20 sec. If you have at least one empty flask charge, it will refill a charge after killing [12 base, 4 min] Elite enemies. Also causes 1 more Elite to spawn in each biome. The Time Keeper (6th kill) 50
Adrenaline Mutation Icon.png
Adrenaline Melee attacks restore a small amount of HP depending on attack damage for 5 sec after dodging an attack at the last moment. Rampagers (3+ BSC; 1.7%) 100
Frenzy Mutation Icon.png
Frenzy Melee attacks restore a small amount of HP depending on attack damage as long as you have an active speed buff. Timed door in the Passage before Toxic Sewers 50
Scheme Mutation Icon.png
Scheme Your next melee attack after using a skill inflicts +[200 base] damage. Sweepers (10%) 50
Initiative Mutation Icon.png
Initiative Your first melee strike against an enemy inflicts +[100 base] damage. Royal Guards (10%) 50
Predator Mutation Icon.png
Predator Killing an enemy with a melee strike makes you invisible for [1 base, 2.8 max] seconds. Automatons (10%) 50
Porcupack Mutation Icon.png
Porcupack Rolling through enemies attacks them with the melee weapon in backpack for [75% base] of the usual damages. Rancid Rats (0.4%) 80

List of Tactics mutations[edit]

Icon Name Description Location Cell cost Cell Currency Icon.png
Support Mutation Icon.png
Support +[35% base] damage if you're close to a deployed skill. Always available N/A
Parting Gift Mutation Icon.png
Parting Gift Causes a bomb ([75 base] damage) to appear when you kill an enemy with a non-melee attack. Secret area in Graveyard 100
Tranquility Mutation Icon.png
Tranquility +[25% base] damage if there are no enemies near you. Always available N/A
Ripper Mutation Icon.png
Ripper Hand to hand attacks cause 6 arrows stuck in the attacked enemy to fall out, each one dealing [118 base] damage. Secret area in Promenade of the Condemned 100
Ranger's Gear Mutation Icon.png
Ranger's Gear Your next ranged attack after using a skill inflicts [180 base] damage. Dancers (10%) 50
Barbed Tips Mutation Icon.png
Barbed Tips Inflicts [40 base] dps per arrow stuck to enemies. Toxic Miasmas (10%) 80
Point Blank Mutation Icon.png
Point Blank Close-ranged ranged attacks inflicts [30 base]% bonus damage. Corpulent Zombies (10%) 80
Networking Mutation Icon.png
Networking Enemies hit with a ranged attack are marked for 8 sec. Marked targets share [35% base, 75% max] of the damage they receive. Swarm Zombies (10%) 50
Crow's Foot Mutation Icon.png
Crow's Foot Rolling leaves 3 crow's feet behind you (with a maximum of 9), inflicting [50 base] damage and slowing the enemies for 1.5 seconds. Inside a chest in a Challenge Rift 50
Tactical Retreat Mutation Icon.png
Tactical Retreat Dodging an attack at the last moment slows down nearby enemies for [1 base, 3 max] seconds. Slammers (10%) 100
Hunter's Instinct Mutation Icon.png
Hunter's Instinct Decreases skill cooldowns by [0.3 base, 2.5 max] seconds for each enemy killed without using melee attacks. Always available N/A
Acrobatipack Mutation Icon.png
Acrobatipack Attacking with a ranged weapon, after rolling with a ranged weapon in your backpack fires a projectile of said weapon, dealing [25% base] of the usual damages. Demolishers (10%) 120

List of Survival mutations[edit]

Icon Name Description Location Cell cost Cell Currency Icon.png
Soldier's Resistance Mutation Icon.png
Soldier's Resistance Increases your health by [5% base. 40% max]. Guardian Knights (1.7%) 100
Berserker Mutation Icon.png
Berserker Killing an enemy with a melee attack reduces the damage you take by [5% base, 20% max] for 8 sec. Can stack up to 90%. Also makes you immune to stuns. Failed Experiments (4+ BSC; 0.4%) 100
Blind Faith Mutation Icon.png
Blind Faith Reduces the cooldown on your skills by [2.8 base, 6 max] seconds with each successful parry. Always available N/A
Counterattack Mutation Icon.png
Counterattack The attack following a successful parry inflicts +[210 base] damage. Always available N/A
What Doesn't Kill Me Mutation Icon.png
What Doesn't Kill Me Recover [2% base, 6% max] HP after parrying a melee attack. Disgusting Worms (100%) 50
Necromancy Mutation Icon.png
Necromancy Recover [0.3% base, 3% max] of your max HP after killing an enemy. This effect scales with the victim's max health and is reduced as you get closer to full health. Always available N/A
Extended Healing Mutation Icon.png
Extended Healing Your health flask heals 100%, its effect is spread over 12 seconds and you deal +[25% base] damage during this time. Secret area in Ossuary 100
Gastronomy Mutation Icon.png
Gastronomy The effect of food increases by +65%. If you recycle food you deal +[10% base] damage for 300 seconds. Conjunctivius (4th kill) 50
Spite Mutation Icon.png
Spite Successful parries and reflected shots inflict [140 base] damage. Secret area in Passage to Toxic Sewers 100
Heart of Ice Mutation Icon.png
Heart of Ice Attacking a frozen, stunned or rooted enemy at close range reduces skill cooldowns by [0.6 base, 2 max] seconds. Works with both melee and ranged weapons. Pirate Captains (10%) 50
Kill Rhythm Mutation Icon.png
Kill Rhythm Alternate weapons to increase your attack speed by [15% base]. Oven Knights (2+ BSC; 0.4%) 150
Armadillopack Mutation Icon.png
Armadillopack Rolling also parries attack and projectiles with the shield in your backpack, for [50% base] of the usual damages. Thornies (1.7%) 100

List of Colorless mutations[edit]

Icon Name Description Location Cell cost Cell Currency Icon.png
Frostbite Mutation Icon.png
Frostbite Enemies suffer [30 base] DPS while they are slowed down. Buzzcutters (10%) 100
Ygdar Orus Li Ox Mutation Icon.png
Ygdar Orus Li Ox Depleted Mutation Icon.png
Ygdar Orus Li Ox Saves you ONE TIME if you die prematurely while not cursed. Cannot be picked up after first mutation selection. Cannot be dropped once picked up, even if used. Always available N/A
Recovery Mutation Icon.png
Recovery Time available to recover your health after a hit is multiplied by 3. Conjunctivius (5th kill) 50
Emergency Triage Mutation Icon.png
Emergency Triage Health potions only restore 35% HP but their use speed is increased by 275% and it completely protects you for 2 sec. The Time Keeper (7th kill) 100
Velocity Mutation Icon.png
Velocity Running speed duration bonus (for kill combo) multiplied by 3. The Time Keeper (5th kill) 50
Dead Inside Mutation Icon.png
Dead Inside Increases your maximum health by 100%, but deactivates all sources of healing except for recovery. Lancers (4+ BSC; 1.7%) 100
Alienation Mutation Icon.png
Alienation Reducing a curse restores 5% HP but increases the number of enemies required to lift the curse by 50%. The Concierge (7th kill) 50
Acceptance Mutation Icon.png
Acceptance Amount of kills required to remove a curse is reduced by 50%, but consuming food curses you. Secret area in High Peak Castle 200
Masochist Mutation Icon.png
Masochist Trap damage is capped at 10% of your max HP. When hit by a trap your movement speed increases by 20% for 20 sec. Secret area in Slumbering Sanctuary 100
Disengagement Mutation Icon.png
Disengagement Once per biome, if your HP falls below 15%, a force field protects you for 5 sec. Secret area in Prisoners' Quarters 200
No Mercy Mutation Icon.png
No Mercy Execute mobs under 15% health. Effect halved on bosses. Slashers (1.7%) 100
Instinct of the Master of Arms Mutation Icon.png
Instinct of the Master of Arms Reduces the cooldown on your skills by [0.08 base, 1 max] sec with each critical hit. Always available N/A
Ammo Mutation Icon.png
Ammo Ammo for your weapons is now 2 times what it was. The Concierge (6th kill) 50
Gold Plating Mutation Icon.png
Gold Plating Lose gold instead of health when hit. The gold lost is proportional to the health loss prevented. Mimics (10%) 50
Get Rich Quick Mutation Icon.png
Get Rich Quick Accumulate bonus gold for every enemy killed while you have an active speed boost and cash it in when it ends. Mimics (10%) 50
Midas' Blood Mutation Icon.png
Midas' Blood Gain 1.6 gold per health points you lose. Gold Gorgers (1.7%) 50
Wish Mutation Icon.png
Wish Depleted Mutation Icon.png
Wish Turns the next item picked legendary. Cannot be removed once activated. Cannot be removed. Let's hope it was worth it. Reward for beating the 3rd Stage in Boss Rush 200
Cursed Flask Mutation Icon.png
Cursed Flask Your health flask has infinite charges but also curses you 20 times each time you use it. Curser (10%) 150
Damned Vigor Mutation Icon.png
Damned Vigor Upon being dealt fatal damage, you stay alive for 2 seconds. If you kill any enemy while under this effect, you get back to 1 health point. Otherwise, when the effect dissapears or you get hit while under it, you instantly die without any sort of protection applicable. Sore Loser (10%) 200
Demonic Strength Mutation Icon.png
Demonic Strength You deal 30% more damage as as you are cursed. This bonus is increased by 2% per curse stack you have. Doom Bringer (10%) 100

Removed mutations[edit]

Icon Name Description Location Cell cost Cell Currency Icon.png Removed in
Sadism Mutation Icon.png
Sadism +[75 base] DPS if a nearby enemy is taking poison, bleed or burn damage. Was dropped by Impaler (100%) 50 v1.1
Fireworks Technician Mutation Icon.png
Fireworks Technician -[30% base, 80% max] cool down delay when using your Grenades. Always available N/A v1.1
Efficiency Mutation Icon.png
Efficiency -[30% base, 80% max] cool down delay when using your skills. Always available N/A v1.1


Navigation wiki
Forgotten Map Icon.pngBiomes (map)  •  Dark Tracker.pngEnemies  •  The Concierge.pngBosses  •  Rusty Sword Icon.pngGear  •  Ygdar Orus Li Ox Mutation Icon.pngMutations  •  Teleportation Rune Icon.pngRunes and upgrades  •  Classic Outfit Icon.pngOutfits  •  Firestarter Aspect Icon.pngAspects  •  Custom Mode Icon.pngCustom Mode  •  Giantkiller Icon.pngBoss Rush  •  Challenger Rune Icon.pngDaily Challenge  •  EpicPower.pngStats  •  Boss Stem Cell Icon.pngBoss Stem Cells  •  Malaise Icon.pngMalaise  •  Cursed Effect.pngCurse  •  Challenge Rift Portal Icon.pngChallenge Rifts  •  Merchandise Categories Icon.pngShops  •  Gold Currency Icon.pngCurrency  •  Major Affix Icon.pngAffixes  •  Ice Effect.pngStatus effects  •  Stun Effect.gif Mechanics  •  Masochist Mutation Icon.pngHazards  •  Emergency Door Icon.pngObjects  •  Ruby Icon.pngPickups  •  Tutorial Knight.pngNPCs  •  Temporal Distortion Icon.pngLore  •  YOLOWinAch.pngAchievements  •  Rhythm n' Bouzouki Icon.pngSoundtracks  •  Leftmouse button.pngControls  •  WorkInProgress.pngVersion history  •  All DLC