Acceptance is a colorless mutation which halves the amount of enemies the player needs to kill in order to lift curses, but causes consuming food to curse the player.
- Scroll Cap: None
- Special Effects:
- Makes all food give the player a 5-kill curse.
- Scaling: None
The blueprint for this mutation can only be obtained in 3+ BSC. Firstly, the player must gather all three Gardener's Keys in the Promenade of the Condemned.
Then collect the Moonflower Key in the Ramparts, where they'll have to take the exit to the Insufferable Crypt inside a 3 BSC door. Then go through the Graveyard and the Forgotten Sepulcher and collect the remaining two Moonflower Keys (one key per biome).
The keys are hidden in secret areas, marked by vines on the tiles, and locked behind doors which are opened with Gardener's Keys.
The Acceptance mutation will be found in High Peak Castle, at the end of a secret corridor, behind three doors, which can be opened with the Moonflower Keys.
- This mutation has good synergy with Alienation, as they allow the player to get very powerful healing from cursed chests while removing the risk of the increased kill requirement.
- The 5-kill curse from food is actually a 10-kill curse, but the effect of Acceptance automatically engages and reduces it.
- Cannot be taken in Boss Rush.