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Flint is a warhammer-type melee weapon, which sends out a flaming trail that ignores shields and deals a critical hit to enemies in melee range when charged.


  • Special Effects:
    • Has a charged attack that deals critical damage that is done by holding down the attack button.
      • Charged attack creates a flaming trail (70 base damage) that ignores shields.
    • Deals 1.78x damage (400 base critical DPS) to any enemy in melee range.
    • The trail created by the charged attack lights oil on fire. This includes both the oil on the ground and oil on enemies.
  • Breach Bonus: 0.5
    • Base Breach Damage: 120 (240)
    • Base Breach DPS: 240 (480)
  • Attack Duration: 0.5 seconds
    • Charge: 0.2
    • Lock: 0.3
    • Cooldown: 0
  • Tags: CanPrepareWithoutAmmo, HeavyWeapon
  • Legendary Version:
    • Forced Affix: Instant Charge
      • "All attacks are fully charged without needing to hold the button."


  • Parrying with the Rampart Icon.png Rampart allows to safely charge up the flint.
  • The shockwave produced by this weapon's charged attack is considered a ranged attack and is therefore affected by ranged mutations such as Point Blank Mutation Icon.png Point Blank.


  • Prior to v1.9, the Update of Plenty, its combo rate was 0.9 (0.6 + 0.3).
  • The flaming trail does not inflict burn, but it can ignite oil.
  • Can destroy ram rune floors with charged attacks if the player has acquired the ram rune.


  • This weapon appears to be one of Concierge's detached hands stuck on a shaft, thus the flavor text "give an extra hand", and it mimics his ability to launch a flaming trail at the player.


  • 1.4: Introduced.
  • 2.9: Unlock cost decreased from 50 cells to 20.
  • 3.0: Added the Legendary Affix "Fire on Hit".
  • 3.1: Fixed damage scaling and changed the Legendary Affix from "Fire on Hit" to "Instant Charge".
Rusty Sword Icon.pngRusty SwordBalanced Blade Icon.pngBalanced BladeAssassin's Dagger Icon.pngAssassin's DaggerSpite Sword Icon.pngSpite SwordBlood Sword Icon.pngBlood SwordTwin Daggers Icon.pngTwin DaggersBroadsword Icon.pngBroadswordShovel Icon.pngShovelCursed Sword Icon.pngCursed SwordSadist's Stiletto Icon.pngSadist's StilettoSwift Sword Icon.pngSwift SwordGiantkiller Icon.pngGiantkillerRotGShrapnel Axes Icon.pngShrapnel AxesSeismic Strike Icon.pngSeismic StrikeWar Spear Icon.pngWar SpearImpaler (Weapon) Icon.pngImpalerSymmetrical Lance Icon.pngSymmetrical LanceRapier Icon.pngRapierMeat Skewer Icon.pngMeat SkewerNutcracker Icon.pngNutcrackerSpartan Sandals Icon.pngSpartan SandalsSpiked Boots Icon.pngSpiked BootsHayabusa Boots Icon.pngHayabusa BootsHayabusa Gauntlets Icon.pngHayabusa GauntletsValmont's Whip Icon.pngValmont's WhipWrenching Whip Icon.pngWrenching WhipOiled Sword Icon.pngOiled SwordTorch Icon.pngTorchFrantic Sword Icon.pngFrantic SwordFlawless Icon.pngFlawlessFlint Icon.pngFlintTentacle Icon.pngTentacleVorpan Icon.pngVorpanFlashing Fans Icon.pngFlashing FansTBSScythe Claw Icon.pngLeft Scythe Claw Icon.pngScythe ClawTBSRhythm n' Bouzouki Icon.pngRhythm n' BouzoukiTBSCrowbar Icon.pngCrowbarSnake Fangs Icon.pngSnake FangsFFIron Staff Icon.pngIron StaffFFFerryman's Lantern Icon.pngSoul Shot Icon.pngFerryman's LanternFFHattori's Katana Icon.pngHattori's KatanaTombstone Icon.pngTombstoneOven Axe Icon.pngOven AxeToothpick Icon.pngBroken Toothpick Icon.pngToothpickRotGMachete and Pistol Icon.pngMachete and PistolHard Light Sword Icon.pngHard Light Gun Icon.pngHard Light SwordPure Nail Icon.pngPure NailBone Icon.pngBoneAbyssal Trident Icon.pngAbyssal TridentTQatSHand Hook Icon.pngHand HookTQatSMaw of the Deep Icon.pngMaw of the DeepTQatSBladed Tonfas Icon.pngBladed TonfasTQatSWrecking Ball Icon.pngWrecking BallTQatSQueen's Rapier Icon.pngQueen's RapierTQatSDagger of Profit Icon.pngDagger of ProfitGold Digger Icon.pngGold Digger Powered Icon.pngGold DiggerPanchaku Icon.pngPanchakuBaseball Bat Icon.pngBaseball BatKing Scepter Icon.pngKing ScepterStarfury Icon.pngStarfuryAlucard's Sword Icon.pngAlucard's SwordRtCMorning Star Icon.pngMorning StarRtCBible Icon.pngBibleRtCWhip Sword, sword form Icon.pngWhip Sword, whip form Icon.pngWhip Sword, sword formRtCTransformation Icon.pngTransformationRtCVampire Killer Icon.pngVampire KillerRtCDeath's Scythe Icon.pngDeath's ScytheRtCSewing Scissors Icon.pngSewing ScissorsGiant Comb Icon.pngGiant CombMisericorde Icon.pngMisericorde
Beginner's Bow Icon.pngBeginner's BowMultiple-nocks Bow Icon.pngMultiple-nocks BowBow and Endless Quiver Icon.pngBow and Endless QuiverMarksman's Bow Icon.pngMarksman's BowSonic Carbine Icon.pngSonic CarbineRotGInfantry Bow Icon.pngInfantry BowQuick Bow Icon.pngQuick BowIce Bow Icon.pngIce BowHeavy Crossbow Icon.pngReload Icon.pngHeavy CrossbowRepeater Crossbow Icon.pngQuiver of Bolts Icon.pngRepeater CrossbowIce Crossbow Icon.pngPiercing Shot Icon.pngIce CrossbowExplosive Crossbow Icon.pngCross Hit Icon.pngExplosive CrossbowAlchemic Carbine Icon.pngAlchemic CarbineBoomerang Icon.pngBoomerangHemorrhage Icon.pngHemorrhageRotGThe Boy's Axe Icon.pngThe Boy's AxeRotGWar Javelin Icon.pngWar JavelinRotGHokuto's Bow Icon.pngHokuto's BowNerves of Steel Icon.pngNerves of SteelThrowing Knife Icon.pngThrowing KnifeElectric Whip Icon.pngElectric WhipFirebrands Icon.pngFirebrandsIce Shards Icon.pngIce ShardsPyrotechnics Icon.pngPyrotechnicsLightning Bolt Icon.pngLightning BoltFire Blast Icon.pngFire BlastFrost Blast Icon.pngFrost BlastMagic Missiles Icon.pngMagic MissilesRotGBlowgun Icon.pngBlowgunTBSBarrel Launcher Icon.pngBarrel LauncherKilling Deck Icon.pngKilling DeckTQatSGilded Yumi Icon.pngGilded YumiTQatSMoney Shooter Icon.pngMoney ShooterMagic Bow Icon.pngMagic BowPeril Glyphs Icon.pngPeril GlyphsThrowable Objects Icon.pngThrowable ObjectsLaser Glaive Icon.pngLaser GlaiveCross Icon.pngCrossRtCThrowing Axe Icon.pngThrowing AxeRtCMedusa's Head Icon.pngMedusa's HeadRtCAnathema Icon.pngAnathema
Old Wooden Shield Icon.pngOld Wooden ShieldFront Line Shield Icon.pngFront Line ShieldCudgel Icon.pngCudgelPunishment Icon.pngPunishmentKnockback Shield Icon.pngKnockback ShieldRampart Icon.pngRampartAssault Shield Icon.pngAssault ShieldBloodthirsty Shield Icon.pngBloodthirsty ShieldGreed Shield Icon.pngGreed ShieldSpiked Shield Icon.pngSpiked ShieldParry Shield Icon.pngParry ShieldForce Shield Icon.pngForce ShieldThunder Shield Icon.pngThunder ShieldRotGIce Shield Icon.pngIce ShieldAlucard's Shield Icon.pngAlucard's ShieldRtC